Enables housing developers whether they be private developers, Housing Associations or Land Trusts, to get informed and representative feedback from communities about their development proposals.
Achieving successful
community engagement
Presenting housing development proposals to the communities can be a problem. Many in the community worry about what is likely to come and how it might impact on their neighbourhoods, homes and lives. Our platform enables development proposals (and the reason for them) to be fully understood and commented on resulting in better more informed feedback.
Unlike limited and simple electronic survey forms, the GoCollaborate online engagement and consultation platform enables people to participate when they want and where they want. Through the registration process users if they wish, can also return to open consultations and revise their answers.

How can we help you?
The GoCollaborate platform allows you to clearly set out what you are proposing, and enables you provide supporting information including plans, if required. This enables you to fully demonstrate the wider benefits of the proposals and greatly enhances the potential for informed comment and feedback.
Cost-effective community engagement
Our online community engagement and consultation platform supports the delivery of successful public engagement. It can save you time and money, it’s quick and easy to deploy, can reach communities fast, ensures consistent messaging and helping you make robust and inclusive decisions.
Ease of reporting - the platform takes the pain out of survey monitoring, managing and analysing the incoming responses and removes the GDPR risk. This will support your community engagement to meet the statement of community involvement.
Affordable early-stage consultation also opens up the possibility of significant cost avoidance should schemes be not capable of getting the support they need.
Completing the feed-back loop
At each engagement stage (where relevant) the results of the community engagement consultation can be fed back through the platform very quickly and easily to inform the community on what is being said and how the development proposals are being progressed. This enables the community to be kept informed and motivated to continue to support. In the final stages the platform can also be used to inform the community on how they can express an interest in applying for one of the houses.